What is My Wishlist?
My Wishlist is a convenient way for you to save a reminder of any items you would like to purchase at a later time.

Important Note:
Only logged-in customers' Wishlists are saved for future use.

Guests: You may create a Wishlist during your visit, however...it will be deleted when you exit the website. If you would like to create an account, please click on the My Account link in the navigation bar at the top of your screen.

How do I add items to My Wishlist?
To add an item to My Wishlist, just click the "Add to Wishlist" button that appears above the item description for any item that interests you.

Can I add items that are marked "Out Of Stock" to My Wishlist?
No. Only items that are currently available for purchase may be added to your list. This is done to minimize any risk of transferring items from your Wishlist to your cart that may be out of stock.

What happens if an item on my list goes out of stock?
The item will remain on your list, but will be marked as Out Of Stock.

If you attempt to add that item to your shopping cart, the cart will let you know there is insufficient quantity on hand and will not allow you to checkout. Please remove the item from your cart.

How do I view My Wishlist?
Registered users should login by using the My Account link located in the navigation bar at the top of the screen. If you have already created a Wishlist, an option to view that list will be available to you in the dropdown menu under My Account.

How do I move My Wishlist items to my Shopping Cart?
To move My Wishlist items to the Shopping Cart, select the item(s) you wish to purchase...then click the "Add To Cart" button located at the bottom of your Wishlist screen. *Note: Items will be deleted from your Wishlist after moving them to the Shopping Cart.

How do I checkout after moving My Wishlist items to my Shopping Cart?
Follow the instructions on the Shopping Cart page or click on Secure Checkout at the top of your screen.

How do I remove items from My Wishlist?
To remove items from My Wishlist, select the item(s) you wish to remove and click the Delete button located at the bottom of your Wishlist.

Any questions? Please use the Contact Us link on the bottom right side of your screen, or compose and send an email to: sales@soapoperaworld.com