How To Use The Search Box

By default, the Search Box at the top of your screen is designed to search for your keywords in both titles AND descriptions and your search will extend to All Categories within the website. If you would like to narrow your search to a specific category or sub-category, please select from the Categories dropdown list provided under the Search Box.

If you would like to search in Titles ONLY - please use the Advanced Search link conveniently located at the top of your screen and be sure to deselect the Search In Descriptions field. This is a great way to search only for the title of a particular magazine. Like...Soap Opera Special or Daytimers.

When searching for items that are In Stock Only, you must select the box next to In Stock Only at the top of your screen before you conduct your search. This check can only be performed before the search results are returned. Otherwise, you will return search results for items both In and Out Of Stock.

If searching for material on your favorite actor:

Please type either their first or last name in the searchbox.

If searching for an actor whose name contains punctuation of any kind, such as:

  • Robert Kelker-Kelly
  • Tracey E. Bregman
  • Michael O'Leary
Simply type their first or last name into the searchbox, provided that their name is reasonably unique and not likely to be shared with another performer, such as

  • Kelker
  • Bregman
  • Leary
Do not use additional words when searching for your favorite performer, such as:

Jon Lindstrom Soap Opera Magazine 1998 or Kim Zimmer Actress Guiding Light

This will only muddy your search may get zero results or only a fraction of what is really available. Search for the performer's name only. Use the dropdown category box to search only for certain magazine titles from specific years. Click on a few item descriptions to get a feel for how they are written. We never refer to anyone as an actor or actress.

Do not search for the names of characters on soap operas. We rarely use character names in our item descriptions. Search only for the actor that plays the role.

Do not search for more than one actor's name at a time. For example, do not type in "Austin Peck & Christie Clark" in the searchbox. Search for only one name at a time. The fewer keywords used in your search, the more accurate and relevant your search returns will be.

All keywords used in your search will be highlighted in blue within the title and description of the items you view, which should significantly reduce the amount of time it takes to "read" an item description and find your keywords.

However, if you are searching for an actor using quotation marks around their name, like "Sarah Brown" - no keyword highlighting will occur in your search results. Please try to search using one word only and refrain from using punctuation of any kind, if possible.

Sometimes quotation marks are necessary in order to get accurate search results. We use James Scott as an example, because if you don't place quotation marks around his name, you will return results for James Scott AND

  • James Franco
  • Scott Clifton
  • Melody Thomas Scott

Again, be aware that the use of quotation marks will result in no keyword highlighting in your search results.
So, our best advice is:

Please try to search with one word only.

OR...make use of the keyword highlighting extensions available to you for free in your web browser!

Click Here For Firefox

Click Here For Chrome

Make sure you are using the correct browser before visiting these links. Simply click to Install and...all done!

How Magazine Publication Dates Are Formatted In The Titles Of Listings

Monthly issues are listed beginning with the month and year, such as:
3-73 = March 1973
8-01 = August 2001
5-91 = May 1991

Weekly or bi-weekly issues are listed beginning with the month-day-year,such as:
10-27-92 = October 27, 1992
11-2-15 = November 2, 2015
1-20-09 = January 20, 2009

If you have any questions, please email us at