April 20, 2020
Cover Story:
Eva LaRue (AMC, CSI: Miami and Chicken Soup For The Soul's Animal Tales)
2-page Interview on losing her father, plus her experiences with the Paleo diet
Large Half-Page Photo, four additional photos and The Cover Shot
56-pages on glossy paper with tons of additional features, including
- The Top 5 Virus Killers
- Double Your Confidence
- Host A Wine Tasting Party
- 5-Ingredient Weeknight Recipes
- Chocolate Bliss With A Twist
- 5-Minute Romance
- So Long, Brain Fog!
- 7 Days Of Inspiration
- Heal Your Thyroid And Melt 10 Lbs. In A Week
Mailing Label? - NO
VERY GOOD condition with no missing pages or rips or creases.